Mercedes Battles Set-Up Issues

Mercedes Faces Set-Up Challenges at Interlagos

After a strong performance in Austin (despite a subsequent disqualification) and Mexico, Mercedes encountered difficulties during the recent race weekend in Brazil.

Poor Weekend in Brazil

Returning to the track where George Russell secured their most recent victory in 2022, Mercedes struggled with their set-up, resulting in significant in-race tyre degradation at Interlagos.

Consideration to Pull Out

The situation was so dire that the team even contemplated withdrawing from the race. The technical challenges they faced posed a threat to their overall performance.

Frustration for Hamilton

Lewis Hamilton, a key driver for Mercedes, expressed his disappointment over the weekend’s difficulties. Despite his own impressive performances in the previous races, the setbacks in Brazil frustrated him.

The Road Ahead

With the Brazilian Grand Prix behind them, Mercedes is determined to analyze the issues they encountered and make the necessary adjustments to optimize their set-up for future races.


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